Loïc Rajjou

Loïc Rajjou

Dormancy, germination and dispersal

Main research interests

My research activity is mainly focused on germination and seed vigour issues. Germination can be limited by seed dormancy state and/or by penalizing environmental conditions. In addition, seed viability is a fundamental trait to take into account in the strategies of biodiversity conservation. I developed an expertise in functional genomics (transcriptome, proteome) and metabolomics with a focus on the molecular mechanisms controlling seed germination and the characterization of quality markers of seed vigor. I developed a solid expertise in integrative proteomics, notably to investigate seed physiology using 2D-protein electrophoresis and mass spectrometry. I developed analysis of protein turnover (pulse labeling) and post-translational modifications (e.g. carbonylation, S-nitrosylation, tyrosine nitration).

Selection of 3 major recent publications

Galland M, Boutet-Mercey S, Lounifi I, Godin B, Balzergue S, Grandjean O, Morin H, Perreau F, Debeaujon I, Rajjou L (2014). Compartmentation and dynamics of flavone metabolism in dry and germinated rice seeds. Plant Cell Physiol., 55: 1646-1659

Galland M, Huguet R, Arc E, Cueff G, Job D, Rajjou L (2014). Dynamic proteomics emphasizes the importance of selective mRNA translation and protein turnover during Arabidopsis seed germination. Mol Cell Proteomics, 13: 252–268

Arc E, Galland M, Godin B, Cueff G, Rajjou L (2013). Nitric oxide implication in the control of seed dormancy and germination. Front Plant Sci, 4:346


Institut Jean-Pierre Bourgin
Pôle Reproduction et Graines
UMR 1318 INRA-AgroParisTech
Route de Saint Cyr
78026 Versailles cedex



See also

Embryogenesis, epigenetic control and seed size

Lucia Colombo (University of Milan), Jean-Denis Faure (Labex SPS), Loïc Lepiniec (Labex SPS)

Seed coat differentiation and secondary metabolites of commercial interest

George Haughn (University of British Columbia), Isabelle Debeaujon (LabEx SPS), Helen North (LabEx SPS)

Seed reserve accumulation : yield and quality

John Harada (University of California), Sébastien Baud (LabEx SPS), Bertrand Dubreucq (LabEx SPS)

Desiccation and stress responses

Julia Buitink (INRA Angers), Christophe Bailly (UPMC Paris), Emmanuelle Issakidis-Bourguet (LabEx SPS)

Dormancy, germination and dispersal

Kathleen Donohue (Duke University),  Annie Marion-Poll (LabEx SPS), Loïc Rajjou (LabEx SPS)

Modification date: 12 December 2014 | Publication date: 19 November 2014 | By: Loïc Rajjou