Teaching and training

Teaching and training

Understanding plants, meet the challenges of tomorrow
Our Teaching and Training project is conceived to promote plant biology and biotechnology and prepare the future by training tomorrow’s scientists, but also as a driving force to promote basic and applied plant sciences within SPS.

Education involving all disciplines of plant biology

The SPS members are involved in about 12,000 hours of Teaching and Training, not exclusively in plant biology, but also in other fields of biology, biochemistry and molecular genetics. SPS Teaching and Training covers all the areas of plant biology from the cellular basis of plant development to plant responses to biotic and abiotic stresses. It involves a very wide spectrum of expertise, including genetics, structural and functional genomics, epigenetics, proteomics, cytology, plant molecular physiology and bioinformatics.

Of advanced technologies to innovate

Our Teaching and Training structure has a unique opportunity to extend the conventional Plant Science Program. It will promote the development of new concepts associated with the potential for improving agricultural sustainability, or for developing plants as factories for food, feed, health, environment and industry. The SPS initiative will thus provide an exceptional opportunity to develop coordinated Master level programs dedicated to plant biology. These programs will cover not only state of the art technologies associated with plant biology at the forefront of plant sciences, but will also provide the framework for developing new initiatives in innovation and valorization in this field.

Enseignement en sciences du végétal

In this section

Have a look at the Saclay Plant Sciences Network !
The activities of teaching and training within SPS are coordinated by the following working group:

Modification date: 21 February 2024 | Publication date: 07 July 2011 | By: MJS