Emmanuelle Issakidis-Bourguet

Desiccation and stress responses

Main research interests

Redox signaling mechanisms are known to be implicated in plant adaptation to environmental conditions and stress. One of the main actors involved in the regulation of the cellular redox state is a multigenic family of ubiquitous oxidoreductases named thioredoxins (TRXs). The team is expert on plastidial TRXs and has characterized the functional relationships between TRXs and numerous TRX targets. We have studied the expression profiles of A. thaliana TRXs showing that a specific class of plastidial TRXs is expressed in non-photosynthetic organs, including seeds. Our recent findings underscore the physiological importance of some TRXs and their targets in plant responses to environmental stresses.

Selection of 3 major recent publications

Heyno E, Innocenti G, Lemaire SD, Issakidis-Bourguet E, Krieger-Liszkay A (2014) Putative role of the malate valve enzyme NADP-malate dehydrogenase in H2O2 signalling in Arabidopsis. Philos Trans R Soc London B Biol Sci., 369, 20130228

Rey P, Sanz-Barrio R, Innocenti G, Ksas B, Courteille A, Rumeau D, Issakidis-Bourguet E, Farran I (2013) Overexpression of plastidial thioredoxins f and m differentially alters photosynthetic activity and response to oxidative stress in tobacco plants. Front. Plant Phys. DOI : 10.3389/fpls.2013.00390

Bohrer AS, Massot V, Innocenti G, Reichheld JP, Issakidis-Bourguet E, Vanacker H (2012) New insights into the reduction systems of plastidial thioredoxins point out the unique properties of thioredoxin z from Arabidopsis. J Exp Bot., 63, 6315-23


Institute of Plant Sciences Paris-Saclay (IPS2)
Oxidative stress, redox signaling and chromatin
Plateau du Moulon
91160 Orsay


See also

Embryogenesis, epigenetic control and seed size

Lucia Colombo (University of Milan), Jean-Denis Faure (Labex SPS), Loïc Lepiniec (Labex SPS)

Seed coat differentiation and secondary metabolites of commercial interest

George Haughn (University of British Columbia), Isabelle Debeaujon (LabEx SPS), Helen North (LabEx SPS)

Seed reserve accumulation : yield and quality

John Harada (University of California), Sébastien Baud (LabEx SPS), Bertrand Dubreucq (LabEx SPS)

Desiccation and stress responses

Julia Buitink (INRA Angers), Christophe Bailly (UPMC Paris), Emmanuelle Issakidis-Bourguet (LabEx SPS)

Dormancy, germination and dispersal

Kathleen Donohue (Duke University),  Annie Marion-Poll (LabEx SPS), Loïc Rajjou (LabEx SPS)

Modification date: 07 September 2015 | Publication date: 12 December 2014 | By: Emmanuelle Issakidis-Bourguet