

SPS hosts a bioinformatics platform

This bioinformatics platform is animated by a bioinformatician community composed of:

> GT Bioinfo (Groupe de Travail Bioinfo)
A working group initiated in 2018 following the growing requirements for bio-analysis. The group is composed of around twenty bioinformaticians coming from existing research teams among the 5 SPS institutes, which roles are to: 

  • ​Establish concrete bioinformatics objectives with delimited requirements specification in term of skills, time and financial resources
  • Ensure that selected projects are fitting the needs of the different SPS institutes in a balanced way
  • Federate the SPS community

> SPS-BARS (SPS-Bioinformatics Analysis and Research Support)​
A team of 3 bioinformaticians joined the SPS bioinformatics community in december 2020. They are not coming from a specific institute, as a strategy to offer as many scientists as possible access to bioinformatics solutions like:

  • ​A few days to work on bioanalyses individually or in a team of several scientists having the same need
  • Support on application procedure for the SPS Bioanalysis open call
  • Support for orientation to the appropriate bioinformatics resources among SPS and support in formulating boinformatics needs

Both groups interact together to evaluate the projects submitted to the SPS Bioanalysis open call, and also to organize events, training or workshops...

For any information, you can email

Book a slot for the next bioinformatic permanence - Every Tuesday morning on Zoom

The group of bioinformaticians is available every Tuesday for discussions. To exchange on methods, technical problems, the possibility of proposing a 6-month project in the framework of an SPS project calls, or any other requests.
To book a slot, please log in at using the word "user" as login and password, select "SPS Bioinfo Permanences" in the scrolling menu, click on the slot you want to book, and fill in the form!

SPS Bioinformatics

Modification date: 28 November 2023 | Publication date: 01 October 2021 | By: Bioinfo