SPS'innov, a winning "package"

SPS'innov, a winning "package"


The goal of the SPS’innov call is to promote collaborative research between SPS teams and and private companies (start-ups, SMEs, multinational corporations, technical institutes, EPIC [French Public Industrial and Commercial Establishments], etc.) to develop high-risk innovative projects with a strong potential for added value.

The selected projects, with levels 2 to 4 in the TRL scale, receive 50k€ of financial support that can be divided in personnel costs, running costs and services. To be eligible, a project has to include an equivalent financial contribution from the private partner(s).

Since 2012, 17 projects involving 20 different private partners have been funded by SPS through this call. Some projects, with high potential for valorization (e.g. construction of prototypes) used this springboard to be eligible in both the Université Paris-Saclay Prematuration and SATT Paris-Saclay maturation processes.

About half of the projects continued after the SPS'innov contract, with funds coming from the companies or from other calls for projects.

One of them led to the creation of a start-up company.

There are still a few SPS'innov packages. We therefore strongly encourage SPS teams and companies to apply! SPS'innov projects can be submitted at any time. The terms and conditions of submission and the documents to be completed are available here.

Overview of the projects selected so far...


In this folder

SPS’innov project selected in 2012
SPS’innov project selected in 2013
SPS’innov project selected in 2015
  • 1 (page)

Modification date: 28 November 2023 | Publication date: 20 July 2017 | By: MJS