Innovate with SPS

From basic knowledge to socio-economic and environmental issues

Innovation picture

How to innovate with SPS?

Responding to Innovation and Partnership Open calls

The  aim of these calls is to promote direct interactions between the actors of academic research and private sector actors (Start-Up, SMEs, multinational companies, etc...) in order to develop high-risk innovating projects with high added-value potential.

To known more…

Establishing a contract with a partner research team

Find the SPS partner team you need by consulting  :

Meet the research team and build an innovative project :

  • Contact the “Innovation and Partnerships" Working group at ip-sps[at]

Establish a contract


Rencontre avec une équipe de chercheurs

The contract will be directly established with the institution of the research team with whom you wish to work.

File a patent 

From the beginning of the collaboration, you establish a confidentiality agreement with the partner. Then, you define, in a consortium agreement, the contributions of each to the collaboration and the terms of patent filing.

Intellectual Property

Sharing skills and expertise allows achieving a collaborative innovation. Protecting one’s discoveries is a necessity and intellectual property is to be integrated into corporate strategy and partnership.