Véronique Brunaud

Véronique Brunaud

Genomic Networks

Main research interests

Bioinformatic, Transcriptome, Gene Regulation, Database  

Selection of 3 major recent publications

Zaag R, Tamby JPh, Guichard C, Tariq Z, Rigaill G, Delannoy E, Renou JP, Balzergue S, Mary-Huard T, Aubourg S, Martin-Magniette ML, Brunaud V. GEM2Net: from gene expression modeling to -omics networks, a new CATdb module to investigate Arabidopsis thaliana genes involved in stress response. Nucleic Acids Res. 2015, 43

Liu Z, Boachon B, Lugan R, Tavares R, Erhardt M, Mutterer J, Demais V, Pateyron S, Brunaud V, Ohnishi T, Pencik A, Achard P, Gong F, Hedden P, Werck-Reichhart D, Renault H. Mol Plant. 2015 Dec 7;8(12):1751-65.

A fungal transcription factor gene is expressed in plants from its own promoter and improves drought tolerance.Martínez F, Arif A, Nebauer SG, Bueso E, Ali R, Montesinos C, Brunaud V, Muñoz-Bertomeu J, Serrano R.Planta. 2015 Jul;242(1):39-52.


Brunaud Véronique is an engineer of research in Bioinformatic at the French National Institute for Agronomical Research (INRA) in the Institute of Plant Sciences Paris-Saclay (IPS2).

In 1997 she has got a PhD in Bioinformatic from University Pierre et Marie Curie. During her PhD she worked on the characterization of DNA box allowing DNA reparation in the genome of Bacillus subtilis and the conception and management of a genomic database for bacteria.

She has been recruited in 1999 in a plant genomic research unit (URGV) to develop the databases of different platforms of this laboratory. She was in charge of the conception and management of CATdb (Trancriptomic platform),  UTILLdb (platform of mutant TILLiNG), a collection of mutants (FLAGdb/FST). During these 16 years passed to URGV, her research activity has focus on the characterization of the gene function on Arabidopsis genome.  For instance, she has been co-supervisor of a PhD in characterization of regulatory motifs fixed by the transcriptional factors.

In 2015, she has moved to the new Institute of Plant Science of Paris-Saclay (IPS2) in the team  ‘Genomic Networks’ leaded by Marie-Laure Martin Magniette.  The main projects of this team turns around the functional prediction of gene function with transversal tools (bioinformatics, statictics) and integration of various types of omic data.  V. Brunaud is in charge of some projects dealing with the expresion of the genes, their regulations and the characterization of particular group of genes like “housekeeping genes”. She manages the bioinformatic developments on the transcriptomic platform POPS and follows the evolution of research technologies in this domain.


Institute of Plant Sciences - Paris-Saclay
Bâtiment 630, rue de Noetzlin
Plateau du Moulon
91405 - Orsay



Modification date: 10 February 2016 | Publication date: 10 February 2016 | By: MM