Nathalie Villa-Vialaneix

Statistical analysis of RNA-seq from normalisation to differential analysis

Main research interests

Graph/network analysis: data mining and inference ; Applications to biology (microarray data, ‘omics data, spectrometric data)

Selection of 3 major recent publications

Montastier, E., Villa-Vialaneix, N., Caspar-Bauguil, S., Hlavaty, P., Tvrzicka, E., Gonzalez, I., … Viguerie, N. (2015). System model network for adipose tissue signatures related to weight changes in response to calorie restriction and subsequent weight maintenance. PLoS Computational Biology, 11(1), e1004047.

Villa-Vialaneix, N., Vignes, M., Viguerie, N., & San Cristobal, M. (2014). Inferring networks from multiple samples with concensus LASSO. Quality Technology And Quantitative Management, 11(1), 39–60.

Villa-Vialaneix, N., Liaubet, L., Laurent, T., Cherel, P., Gamot, A., & San Cristobal, M. (2013). The structure of a gene co-expression network reveals biological functions underlying eQTLs. PLoS ONE, 8(4), e60045.


Nathalie Villa-Vialaneix is chargée de recherche at the French National Institute for Agronomical Research (INRA) in the Unit of Applied Mathematics and Computer Sciences in Toulouse. She is a member of the team “Statistics and Algorithm for Biology”. She received her PhD of the University Toulouse 2 (Le Mirail) in Mathematics in 2005 for her work on functional data analysis and machine learning. She was involved in interdisciplinary research projects, especially with geographers and historians.

In 2006, she was recruited as an associate professor (maîtresse de conférences) at the University de Perpignan (IUT Carcassonne) and became a member of the SAMM team in the University Paris 1. She also started collaborations with researchers from the INRA of Toulouse and became a member of the working group “Biopuces” interested in microarray analyses and other types of 'omics data. Her research focused on developping methods for application in graph mining and inference for social sciences and biology.

Since 2014, she has been recruited at the INRA of Toulouse and is involved in several research projects for 'omics data integration, transcriptomic (microarray and RNAseq) data analysis and network inference and analysis. She has several collaborations with researchers of INRA and INSERM. She is also co-organizer of two working groups in biostatistics (“Biopuces” which is a monthly workshop about 'omics data analysis, “NETBIO” a network with a yearly two-day conference on Biological Network), a board member of the biostatistics platform in Toulouse and a board member of the French Statistical Association (SFdS).


BP 52627
F-31326 Castanet Tolosan cedex
