What's a transcriptome?

What's a transcriptome?

Institute of Plant Sciences Paris-Saclay

We call transcriptome the set of all RNA obtained from transcription of the genome (genetic information from DNA) in a specific cell, tissue… or organism. Transcriptome analysis helps determine which genes are expressed in different experimental conditions and / or in specific tissues or cell types. The POPS platform of the Institute of Plant Sciences Paris-Saclay specializes in transcriptome analysis in both model plants and crops. It enables its institutional and private partners to use these techniques in order to answer their basic and applied research questions.

(Video in French)

After determining the quality and quantity of the received RNA, transcriptome analysis is done either by DNA chips (hybridization) or by RNA-Seq (production of libraries, sequencing). The platform possesses cutting-edge equipment for these two methods of analysis. For example, a robot allows automating the production of RNA-Seq libraries and therefore the analysis of a large number of samples. Moreover, until now, the sequencing of the samples was mainly outsourced but the recent acquisition of a new sequencer (NextSeq 500, Illumina) allowed the platform to gain autonomy.

One strength of this platform consists in supporting the user throughout the entire experimental process. Indeed, POPS works beforehand with its partners to define the most appropriate experimental method to answer their biological questions (conditions, number of samples ...), performs the transcriptomic analyses as such, but also carries out the statistical and bioinformatics treatment of the obtained data.

Indeed, the quantity and complexity of these data require the use of bioinformatics tool to extract exploitable answers. The platform offers expert guidance to its users by providing data processing algorithms that can best answer their biological questions.

Collaboration often goes beyond a simple service and partners rely on the skills of the platform in the long-term. A good knowledge of biological data and recognized expertise, that is what makes the POPS platform a key partner for your transcriptome analyses.

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Modification date: 11 January 2024 | Publication date: 22 August 2016 | By: MJS