SPS 2013 Meeting

08 April 2013

INRA - Versailles

The 2013 Meeting of the Saclay Plant Sciences Laboratory of Excellence took place on April 8-9, in front of all the members of its International Scientific Advisory Board.

To allow the SPS scientists to present their latest findings in front of the Scientific Advisory Board, the SPS Meeting was reserved for SPS members only and upon invitation for the representatives of our institutions and the ANR.
This meeting gathered 80 to 90 people among whom representatives of the FCS Campus Paris-Saclay, the CNRS et the ANR.

Monday afternoon was devoted to a general presentation of the Paris-Saclay IdEx and the LabEx SPS, as well as the presentation of the work and prospects of the SPS working groups.
On Tuesday, the coordinators of the flagship projects presented the progress of their work. Moreover, the coordinators of the projects selected through SPS open calls (Research and SPS'Innov) gave an overview of the scientific background of their projects and the strategy considered to complete them successfully. Finally, the leaders of the platforms of the four SPS laboratories presented the available tools and took examples to show what was possible to do with the equipment and skills present on those platforms.

The Scientific Advisory Board met on Wednesday April 10.


Monday April 8, 2013


2:30PM - The Paris Saclay Idex - Patricio Leboeuf

2:45PM - The SPS LabEx - Loïc Lepiniec

3:30PM - Coffee break


4PM - Research group - Heribert Hirt

4:30PM - Teaching and Training group - Jean-Denis Faure

5PM – Innovation and Partnership group - Loïc Rajjou

5:30PM - Infrastructures group - Hélène Barbier-Brygoo

6PM - Governance / Communication group - Marie-Jeanne Sellier

6:30PM - General discussion

Tuesday April 9, 2013


9AM - Flagship Project 1: Integrative analysis of stress response in plants - Heribert Hirt (URGV)

9:30Am - Flagship Project 2: Metabolic interactions and fluxes for improved plant-biomass quantity & quality - Guillaume Tcherkez and Michael Hodges (IBP)

10AM - Flagship Project 3: Epigenetics and RNA-mediated regulation - Martin Crespi (ISV) and Hervé Vaucheret (IJPB)

10:30AM - Coffee break

11AM - Flagship Project 4: Modelling Developmental Mechanisms - Jean-Christophe Palauqui (IJPB)

11:30AM - Research Open Call 2012 - Adaptation to Nitrogen Availability in Arabidopsis and Brachypodium - Anne Krapp (IJPB)

12PM - Research Open Call 2012 - Ubiquitin-dependent endocytosis of cell-surface proteins - Grégory Vert (ISV)

12:45PM - Lunch at the restaurant of the INRA Center of Versailles

2PM - Research Open Call 2012 - Gene Regulatory Network, in Reproductive Organs, During Sex Determination - Abdelhafid Bendahmane (URGV)

2:30PM - SPS'Innov 2012 - PROMoters of In vitro Somatic Embryogenesis - Pierre Hilson (IJPB) - Collaboration with Biogemma

3PM - SPS'Innov 2012 - Control of pathogenic bacteria by biostimulation with beneficial bacteria - Yves Dessaux (ISV) - Collaboration with CNPPT and SIPRE

3:30PM - SPS'Innov 2012 - Detection and characterization of tomato polymorphism  genes involved in the xylem transports - Mylène Durand-Tardif (IJPB) - Collaboration with Gautier Semences

4PM - Coffee Break


4:30PM - IBP Platform - Guillaume Tcherkez

5PM - IJPB Platforms - Christian Meyer

5:30PM - ISV Platform - Béatrice Satiat-Jeunemaître

6PM - URGV Platforms - Etienne Delannoy

6:30PM - General discussion

Contact: marie-jeanne.sellier@inrae.fr