David Latrasse

David Latrasse

Molecular basis of plant epigenetics / Methodologies

Main research interests 

Plant epigenomics

Selection of 3 major recent publications

Latrasse D, Jégu T, Li H, de Zelicourt A, Raynaud C, Legras S, Gust A, Samajova O, Veluchamy A, Rayapuram N, Ramirez-Prado J, Kulikova O, Colcombet J, Bigeard J, Genot B, Bisseling T, Benhamed M, Hirt H. MAPK-triggered chromatin reprogramming by histone deacetylase in plant innate immunity. Genome Biology. (2017) Jul 6;18(1):131. doi: 10.1186/s13059-017-1261-8.

Latrasse D, Rodriguez-Granados N, Veluchamy A, Mariappan KG, Bevilacqua C, Crapart N, Camps C, Sommard V, Raynaud C, Dogimont C, Boualem A, Benhamed M, Bendahmane A. The Quest for Epigenetic Regulation Underlying Unisexual Flower in Cucumis Melo. Epigenetics and Chromatin. (2017) Jun 6;10:22. doi: 10.1186/s13072-017-0132-6. eCollection 2017.

Molitor A.*, Latrasse D*, Zytnicki M, Andrey P, Houba-Hérin N, Hachet M, Battail C, Del Prete S, Alberti A, Quesneville H, Gaudin V. The Arabidopsis hnRNP-Q Protein LIF2 and the PRC1 subunit LHP1 function in concert to regulate the transcription of stress-responsive genes. The Plant Cell (2016).

Contact info

Institute of Plant Sciences Paris Saclay, IPS2
Bat 630 rue de Noetzlin, 91192 Gif sur Yvette




Modification date: 18 March 2019 | Publication date: 21 June 2018 | By: DL